Who would have thought that having bugs in your face cream would do you or your skin any good? Club Cleo certainly did, and thanks to them, there’s a whole range of new products that are full to the brim with good probiotic ‘bugs’ to get your skin looking fresh, glowing and completely clear.
Us ladies are always looking for new chemical-free and organic ways to maintain healthy skin and avoid the wrath of ageing. And with so many products, natural, chemical and even surgical on the market, it’s hard to find a product that is good for your skin, easy on your pocket and delivers those all important results.
Enter Club Cleo’s remarkable idea and latest product range, Cleo Q: by balancing the levels of microflora (natural organisms already present on the skin) with complexion-friendly probiotics, the Cleo Q range helps to keep skin hydrated and nourished. And it doesn’t stop there – the formula also works to fight off bad bacteria and prevent irritations like acne and eczema.
Cleansing deep into pores whilst retaining the skin’s natural balance, the organic and hypoallergenic formula prevents moisture loss and oil build-up on the skin’s surface.
All the products in the range contain a base of shimmering pearl extract and comforting aloe, and their top selling hero products have result-boosting special ingredients to ensure that you get that glowing complexion you always wanted.
The Deep Cleansing Moisture Mousse, £14.99, (with a hint of green tea and liquorice) and the Skin Sheer and Radiance Polish, £19.99 (with added soothing papaya and chamomile) are both rich in natural nutrients including amino acids, peptides, natural probiotics and lactic acids. The unique mineral and herbal formulas promote skin’s natural collagen growth, while fibronectin and keratin increasing the skin’s oxygen absorption to encourage healthy cell renewal.
The EGF Regenerate Nourishing Crème, £29.99, contains a dusting of jojoba and applephenon, while platinum extract continuously metabolises skin and accelerates regeneration of skin cells. Not only that, it enhances moisture and oxygen retention, recovers elasticity and smoothes wrinkles.
I fell in love with the Skin Sheer and Radiance Polish exfoliator - washes away dead skin cells, stops bad bacteria and blemishes in their tracks and leaves your skin smooth, hydrated and nourished. A definite skin saviour for any gal who’s battling against city smog and environmental toxins!
Club Cleo also stocks a wide selection of natural health and beauty products including pamper packs, an intimate care range, perfumes, and health and beauty accessories. There is no animal testing in any of Club Cleo’s products. For more information, visit the new site Club-cleo.com or call 0871 2211340.
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